
Four Benefits of Community Service Tracking Software for Students

Community Service Tracking Software for Students has multiple benefits

Community Service is incredibly powerful for students and communities. We all know students who participate in meaningful service programs are 22% more likely to graduate college and 25% of students return to their communities after participating in engaging and meaningful community service.

Participating in community service also provides a variety of opportunities for students, such as  special recognition at graduation, college acceptance and scholarships.

So, community service is an extremely powerful way to transform students, schools and communities!

Community service programs can become even better. Currently, 93% of programs are still tracked with paper and pencil or spreadsheets, which makes it difficult for students to find opportunities. With pencil and paper, there is also a significant amount of time spent by students logging and tracking their service.  And then there is even more time and expense for counselors managing this process. When service is not completed, logged and tracked on time, friction between students, parents and administrators can arise.

A software solution may be all it takes to help students, parents and administrators increase the quality of the community service.   The rest of this short article and videos below will discuss some of the advantages of a community service software for students specifically.

Benefits of Community Service Tracking Software for Students, Parents and Sponsors  

Easier Adoption

Up until now, community service requirements were managed by most students with a combination of spreadsheets, pencil and paper. Students (and even parents) now spend the majority of their time on their phones.  A software that is mobile-enabled immediately modernizes your program and brings the management of the program into an environment that makes it easier for students to adopt.  

Faster Engagement

Software makes opportunities easier to find.  This allows students to filter through opportunities that are available through their school or externally on their mobile devices and laptops. Transeo gives students the ability to match their interests to the community faster and wherever they are.

Real Time Logging and Tracking

Transeo is impactful for students because it allows them to keep a service transcript that documents the service experiences that they have completed, along with whether or not they have been verified or rejected by the school. Students will see a “REAL-TIME” overview of their hours and determine if they are meeting their goals or not for graduation or any other requirement.

Digital Verification

With verification done through the system, students and sponsors reduce the paperwork, time and expense of tracking down signatures and remembering to turn in the paperwork.  Friction with students, parents and counselors with lost paperwork and missed deadlines evaporates.

Control and Leverage of Data

Students now have control over their data. Transeo allows them to take all of their community service impact metrics and use them for things like college applications and scholarships.

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